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 来てます来てます? これまでとは少し違った展開になってきました。遅い時間が弱かったのですが、昨日は9時以降もちらほらお客さんが来ました、間もなく向かいにCheekyというスポーツバーも開きます。そうなると事情が違ってきますかねえ!!!


<p>Thanks to the flavonoid antioxidant quercetin (which reduces swelling) and a high water content of 96%, cucumbers “can definitely <a href="http://www.health.com/health/video/0,,20983852,00.html">help prevent bloating</a>,” says Gans. This crunchy veggie is also extremely versatile: eat it in a chopped salad, sprinkle on top of yogurt, or munch on cucumber slices with <a href="http://www.health.com/health/video/0,,20926304,00.html">homemade hummus</a>. </p>キューリ<p>Craving an afternoon snack? A banana may be your best bet. In addition to <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20721159,00.html">potassium</a>, bananas are packed with <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20361484,00.html">resistant starch</a>, a healthy carbohydrate that your body digests slowly, which keeps you full for longer. Resistant starch also encourages your liver to switch to fat-burning mode, giving your metabolism a boost.</p><p>Even more good news for your abs: “Bananas may help prevent water retention in our bodies by regulating sodium levels,” says Gans, “decreasing the risk for bloating.”</p>バナナ
<p>There are lots of reasons to love this brightly colored tropical fruit, which is a rich source of vitamins A, C, E, and <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20366303_4,00.html">folate</a>. Papayas also <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20366303,00.html">contain an enzyme called papain</a>, which helps your GI system break down difficult-to-digest foods, in turn preventing inflammation and belly bloat.</p><p>In addition to eating papaya whole and fresh, “it’s wonderful <a href="http://www.health.com/health/recipe/0,,10000001973734,00.html">in a smoothie</a>, in salads, or thrown on the grill with a drop of olive oil,” says Gans. </p>パパイヤ<p><a href="http://www.health.com/health/article/0,,20410322,00.html">Gluten-free diets</a> may be trendy, but carbs aren’t your enemy (unless you've been diagnosed with Celiac disease or a gluten intolerance). In fact, whole grain carbohydrates actually help you stay slim. Whole grains are <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20831548,00.html">a great source of filling fiber</a>, which aids digestion and increases satiety. In one recent study, researchers found that women who regularly consumed whole grains had a 49% lower risk of major weight gain over time.</p><p>“Whole grains help better regulate blood sugar and insulin levels compared to refined grains,” explains Sass. She recommends starting your day with oatmeal, snacking on plain popcorn (yes, it’s a whole grain!), and choosing quinoa or brown rice over white. </p>穀物
<p>You already know that asparagus is full of antioxidants and may even <a href="http://www.health.com/nutrition/asparagus-health-benefits/asparagus-aphrodisiac">act as an aphrodisiac</a>. But did you also know it can promote a slim stomach? This <a href="http://www.health.com/nutrition/asparagus-health-benefits">super-healthy spring veggie</a> is a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which your body digests slowly—keeping you full for longer in between meals. And as a natural diuretic, “asparagus facilitates the removal of water and waste to decrease discomfort and bloat,” explains Middleberg.</p><p>She adds that asparagus also contains prebiotics, which “act as fuel for healthy bacteria in your gut.”</p>アスパラガス<p>Like asparagus, yogurt is great for your gut: It contains beneficial <a href="http://www.health.com/health/article/0,,20411606,00.html">probiotics</a>, which help balance microflora and prevent bloating. Eating yogurt may also increase feelings of fullness, thanks to 17 grams of protein per serving (that’s almost three times as much as is in an egg!).</p><p>“Try adding it to your morning smoothie, use it in your favorite dip recipe, or enjoy with berries for an afternoon snack,” says Gans. </p>ヨーグルト
<p>If you’ve ever sipped on a glass of ginger ale while sick, you know the drink can do wonders to calm an upset stomach. Turns out the root is also good for keeping your belly slim. Thanks to compounds that help move food through your GI tract, “it has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to treat bloating,” explains Gans. Ginger may also help with weight management: In a 2012 study from Columbia University, researchers found that participants who drank a hot ginger beverage felt fuller after meals.</p><p>“An easy way to include it in your diet is to make a ginger tea with ½ teaspoon of ground or freshly grated ginger and one cup of hot water,” she says.</p>生姜<p>Feeling stuffed after a big dinner? Help your stomach recover by brewing a hot cup of peppermint or chamomile tea. Both varieties relax your GI muscles, easing digestion and helping your body dissolve gas.</p><p>“Peppermint tea can help reduce bloating, which can make your stomach look flatter,” says Sass. “And chamomile may help improve sleep—and too little sleep has been linked to an increase in belly fat.”</p>カモミール
<p>Go ahead, put avocado on your <a href="http://www.health.com/health/video/0,,20952742,00.html">toast</a>, <a href="http://news.health.com/2016/04/26/avocado-pesto/">pasta</a>, <a href="http://www.health.com/food/how-to-make-avocado-brownies">brownies</a>, <a href="http://www.health.com/recipes/how-to-make-chocolate-avocado-pudding">pudding</a>, or even <a href="http://news.health.com/2016/04/07/avocado-banana-bread/">banana bread</a>—your belly will thank you. The superfruit (yes, it technically is a fruit) contains 2 grams of filling fiber and 4 grams of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, which may help keep the pounds off. In one recent study, researchers found that people who regularly ate avocados had smaller waistlines than those who didn’t.</p><p>And in addition to keeping your stomach slim, avocados may benefit the gut, too: “Healthy fats like avocados are vital to gut health, as they coat the stomach and allow for ease of digestion,” says Middleberg. “They also help the body increase its absorption of other nutrients and antioxidants.”</p>アボカド<p>If you have a sweet tooth, take heart: Not all chocolate is off limits. “Good quality dark chocolate (anything above 65% cacao) is actually very good for you,” explains Middleberg. Like avocados, dark chocolate contains healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, which may help speed up metabolism. One study from the University of California, San Diego found that adults who ate chocolate more frequently <a href="https://login.medscape.com/login/sso/getlogin?urlCache=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tZWRzY2FwZS5jb20vdmlld2FydGljbGUvNzYwOTIw&ac=401">had lower BMIs</a> than those who didn't eat much chocolate. </p><p>Just watch your portions: To indulge while keeping calories in check, Middleberg recommends having a piece “the size of a dental floss container.” </p>ダークチョコ
<p>For a guilt-free snack, reach for a handful of almonds. As with dark chocolate and avocados, the nut contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which may help your body burn fat and <a href="http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20306793,00.html">fight hunger</a>. One recent study in the International Journal of Obesity found that when people had a serving of almonds as part of a low-calorie diet, they lost more weight than those who ate a similar diet but had a carb-heavy snack instead of almonds. </p>アーモンド

 内定率25%? これが2017年に入社するであろう学生の今の実績だそうです。東洋経済によると内定が1つもない人は、①頭の切り替え、②棚卸し、③面接対策の見直しをしないといけないそうです。
 まあ、こういう記事読んで思うんですが、日本はいつまで経ってもこれ。一流の会社にとりあえず入らないとダメみたいなところがあります。スタートが大事? 学校もそうです。良い大学に入らないとダメ、みたいなところがあります。それで入ったら勉強もせずバイトしてサークルとかで遊んで卒業。会社はそういう人間を雇い、社内で鍛え上げていく。入ってからすぐに戦力になるような教育方針に変えないと日本はいつまで経っても世界で通用しないのではないかと私は思う。国際化だなんだ言っても何も変わっていないのが現実。

 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast


 この前、ある経営者と話をしていましたが、船の話をしました。これ、かなり以前に書いたものです。船を海に置いておくと藻がつきます。貝も付着します。これでは走れません。たまに陸に揚げて、船底を掃除しないといけないのです。これを人間にも置き換えることができます。同じ場所にいると余計なものが付いてくるのです。それを取り払い、常に初心忘れずでいないといけない。それが経験とかなんでしょうが、経験とは過去のものであって、未来に通用するとは限りません。ましてや、これだけよの中が早く動いているのに、「前はこうだった。寿司はこういうものだ」という固定観念があると、新しいものへの挑戦ができなくあります。寿司は日本食? 今は違うと思いますよ。寿司はSUSHIなのです。すでに世界で通用する食べ物でしょう。それならそういう風に変化、進行して時代やその土地に合ったようにマッチさせないといけないのです。人間が成長するようにSUSHIも成長・進化するのです。成長・進化できない人は恐竜ですよ、やがて滅びるのです。


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