今日の出来事から 4月22日(水) こんなホンダは要らない?



 こんな規制をしないといけないのですか? デンマークの議会は、動物との性行為を禁止する法案を可決。同国では既に動物を傷つける恐れのある性行為が禁止されていましたが、動物の権利が十分に保護されないとして、愛護団体が規制強化を求めていました。

1)Weed can be used to treat Glaucoma.
2)It may help reverse the carcinogenic effects of tobacco and improve lung health.
3)It can help control epileptic seizures.
4)It also decreases the symptoms of a severe seizure disorder known as Dravet's Syndrome.
5)A chemical found in marijuana stops cancer cells from spreading in the lab.
6) It may decrease anxiety.
7)THC may slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease.
8)The drug eases the pain of multiple sclerosis.
9)Other types of muscle spasms could be helped too.

 Garbage dump
8)ジャンクメールの山? 1日の全米のジャンクメールで25万戸の家が燃やせます。
10) アメリカ人は平均500枚のプラスチックバッグを年間に消費しています。No bag!

10位 <p>Revenue Generated: $60.8 million <br>Unit Sales: 62.2 million <br><br>Peter Paul Candy Manufacturing, which was established in 1919, didn’t invent the Almond Joy bar until 1946. Designed as the nuttier sibling to Mounds, it’s made of sweetened <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/10-health-benefits-coconut-oil/010614">coconut</a></strong>, topped with two almonds, and covered in dark chocolate. Cadbury purchased Peter Paul in 1978 and Hershey bought the company’s U.S. operations in 1988.<br><br>Source: The Hershey Company, SymphonyIRI Group</p>アーモンドジョイ、何がジョイだー!
9位 <p>Revenue Generated: $70.2 million <br>Unit Sales: 84 million <br><br>Created in 1923, this chocolate bar was named after a popular malted milkshake, not the Milky Way galaxy. It was designed to capture the taste of the malted drink and is made of chocolate malt-flavored nougat and caramel-covered milk chocolate. <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/milky-way-melts">Milky Way</a></strong> also has the distinction of being Mars, Incorporated’s first candy bar, created in Frank Mars’ kitchen. At the time, it sold for just a nickel. <br><br>Source: Mars Chocolate North America, SymphonyIRI Group</p>ミルキーウェイ、とんでもない!
8位 <p>Revenue Generated: $80.4 million <br>Unit Sales: 80.1 million <br><br>This is the newest candy on our list. Hershey’s Cookies ’n’ Creme first hit the candy stands in 1994, and was billed as a unique twist on the classic Hershey Milk Chocolate Bar. It’s made of <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/day-18-white-chocolate-oatmeal-cranberry-icebox-cookies">white chocolate</a></strong> and promises cookies in every bite. <br><br>Source: The Hershey Company, SymphonyIRI Group</p>ハーシーズ クッキークリーム これは嵌った!
7位 <p>Revenue Generated: $100.7 million <br>Unit Sales: 102.5 million <br><br>When it was first introduced in 1932, 3 Musketeers was made up of three pieces and three flavors: vanilla, chocolate, and <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/entertain/how-make-homemade-strawberry-jam">strawberry</a></strong>. The candy bar is now a single piece of fluffy chocolate-flavored nougat covered with milk chocolate. The 3 Musketeers family recently expanded to include Mint and Truffle Crisp bars.<br><br>Source: Mars Chocolate North America, SymphonyIRI Group</p>マスケティーズ、甘いのなんの!
6位 <p>Revenue Generated: $169.9 million <br>Unit Sales: 153.4 million <br><br>Bringing in just under $170 million in sales, <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/how-make-your-own-twix">Mars' Twix</a></strong> sits right in the middle of our top 10 list. The crunchy cookie, caramel, and chocolate bar is a relative newcomer to the American marketplace compared other top sellers (it was initially produced in the United Kingdom in 1967). It was introduced in the United States in 1979. <br><br>Source: Mars Chocolate North America, SymphonyIRI Group</p>トゥイックス、まあまあかも!
5位 <p>Revenue Generated: $201.8 million <br>Unit Sales: 202.5 million <br><br>This British creation was launched in 1935 by Rowntree Limited of York and was originally called Chocolate Crisp. It was later renamed <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/travel/6-japanese-kit-kat-flavors-we-need-america">Kit Kat</a></strong>, allegedly after the Kit Kat club, an eighteenth-century Whig literacy club in England. Nestlé acquired Rowntree in 1988 and now produces Kit Kat for over 70 countries. In the United States, however, you’ll see a different name on the label. Hershey has been the licensed U.S. manufacturer of the chocolate bar since 1969. <br><br>Source: KitKat.com, TheHersheyCompany.com, SymphonyIRI Group</p>キットカット、定番!
4位 <p>Revenue Generated: $249 million <br>Unit Sales: 264.6 million <br><br>The oldest candy bar on our list, Hershey’s <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/hersheys-plans-milk-candy-china">Milk Chocolate</a></strong> Bar was developed in 1900 by Milton S. Hershey. Hershey wanted everyone to be able to enjoy the great taste of milk chocolate, which was a privilege only the wealthy enjoyed at the time. So he started his chocolate operation right in the heart of Pennsylvania dairy country and charged just a nickel for his candy bar. From 1941 to 1945, the Hershey Company produced more than a billion rations bars for troops serving in World War II. These days, Hershey makes more than 373 million of its signature candy bar every year. <br><br>Source: The Hershey Company/ SymphonyIRI Group</p>ハーシー ミルクチョコ、ざらざら感?
3位 <p>Revenue Generated: $386.2 million <br>Unit Sales: 405.3 million <br><br>Mars calls <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/10-things-you-didnt-know-about-snickers">Snickers</a></strong> the world’s most popular chocolate bar, although it is third on our list of U.S. chocolate candy sales. Introduced in 1930, the bar was named after one of the Mars family’s favorite horses. More than 99 tons of peanuts go into making over 15 million Snickers bars each day, and each bar contains around 16 peanuts.<br><br>Source: Mars Chocolate North America, SymphonyIRI Group</p>スニッカーズ、個人的にはアイスの方がまだ。
2位 <p>Revenue Generated: $398.9 million <br>Unit Sales: 366.2 million <br><br>The inventor of these tasty treats, Harry Burnett Reese, was a former dairy employee of Milton S. Hershey who decided to strike out on his own and make a living in the candy business. Reese began selling his peanut butter cups in five-pound boxes for candy assortments in the 1920s, and the candy soon surged in popularity. In 1963, things came full circle when Hershey bought the company for $23.5 million. Several decades later, the candy is <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/news/dream-come-true-reese-s-peanut-butter-oreos-now-available/52714">still a hit</a></strong>. The company claims if you were to line up the Reese’s sold annually, they would wrap around the earth several times. <br><br>Source: TheHersheyCompany.com/ SymphonyIRI Group</p>リージス、砂糖の塊!
1位 <p>Revenue Generated: $406.7 million <br>Unit Sales: 417.7 million <br><br>The best-selling chocolate treat on our list has been around since 1941. It was designed with the intention of bringing consumers a chocolate that wouldn’t melt in their hands. M&Ms, which were named after their inventors Forrest Mars and R. Bruce Murrie, were given to GIs serving in World War II, and the chocolates even went on a space mission in 1982. M&Ms are red, yellow, blue, orange, and green, but it's red that gets top billing — the red M&M has been the official "spokescandy" since 1952. There are now eleven <strong><a href="http://www.thedailymeal.com/news/stop-presses-crispy-mm-s-are-back/100314">permanent varieties</a></strong> of M&Ms candies, as well as seasonal offerings.<br><br>Source: Mars Chocolate North America, SymphonyIRI Group</p>M&M なるほど!!

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