今日の出来事から 11月12日(水)





Pink grapefruit is full of vitamins A and C and is loaded with minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids. Cucumbers are famously good for your skin, because they’re rich in vitamins and antioxidants, as well as several compounds that fight aging and inflammation from breakouts, including cucurbitacins and cucumerin. Cilantro is the star of this shake; it’s been shown to remove heavy metals, like lead, mercury, and aluminum from the body when ingested.Click here for the Cilantro Grapefruit Cucumber Smoothie Recipe.シラントロ+GF+キューリ
Kale, like other dark leafy greens, is rich in antioxidants and vitamins that keep your skin clear, your immune system healthy, and inflammation in check. Bananas contain vitamins A, C, and E, as well as potassium, the antioxidant lutein, and dietary fiber, all of which are essential to clear, healthy skin. Green tea is bursting with antioxidants and is great for detoxing, reducing inflammation, regulating blood sugar, and taming acne-causing hormones; plus, it’s a natural antibacterial. Walnuts contain fatty acids that reduce swelling and inflammation, and B vitamins that prevent skin disorders and help with stress management and regulation of mood (which can also encourage acne).Click here for the Banana Kale Green Tea Walnut Smoothie Recipe.バナナ+ケール+抹茶+くるみ
Bee pollen is packed with vitamin B12, which promotes healthy skin and blood and a well-functioning nervous system, as well as skin-clearing antioxidants and lecithin, which repairs damaged skin cells. Oranges are loaded with vitamin C and dietary fiber, which both work wonders for skin renewal and eliminating toxins (orange peels applied topically are also effective for clearing your complexion).Click here for the Bee Pollen Raspberry Orange Smoothie Recipe.Bee Polllen+ラズベリー+オレンジ
Coconut water from young, green coconuts, is simply amazing. It’s chock-full of electrolytes and contains trace minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and sodium. Red grapes contain antioxidants that can soothe eczema, psoriasis, and other skin conditions and reduce inflammation associated with acne, and they’re a natural antihistamine. Brazil nuts are high in selenium, which helps to increase the number of infection-fighting white blood cells in the body and strengthens their fighting power, while the nuts’ vitamin E, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, calcium and iron are all essential to skin health and function.Click here for the Red Grape Nectarine Brazil Nut Smoothie Recipe. 赤ぶどう+ネクタリン+ブラジルナッツ
Saffron, this tiny flower stamen, is a wellspring of skin-healthy vitamins and minerals including copper, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, selenium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin A, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C. Oat milk is high in fiber, vitamin E, and folic acid, which supports healthy skin.Click here for the Saffron Banana Honey Oat Smoothie Recipe. サフラン+ばなな+蜂蜜+オーツ麦
Lemon juice is a great detoxifier and an excellent source of vitamin C, so it will be a godsend for your immune system and complexion.Click here for the Lemon Mango Ginger Smoothie Recipe.レモン+マンゴ+生姜
Watermelon is rich in vitamins A, B, and C, as well as citrulline and lycopene, and its super hydrating properties will give you a wonderfully clear, dewy complexion. Watercress is jammed full of antioxidants as well as manganese, carotene, and potassium. This makes watercress a powerful cleansing agent, nourishing and detoxifying the skin. Fennel is a natural antiseptic and diuretic, a perfect combination for clarifying and detoxifying the skin.Click here for the Watermelon Fennel Watercress Smoothie Recipe.スイカ+フェンネル+クレソン
Rosewater has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, is very gentle on the skin, and smells gorgeous. Strawberries are bursting with vitamin C, fiber, and folic acid, which help to regenerate the skin and clear toxins from the body.Click here for the Rosewater Strawberry Honey Smoothie Recipe. ローズウオーター+いちご+はちみつ
Combine foods that are good for skin health in the blender and drink your way to better skin with these healthy smoothie recipes.と、書かれています。なるほど





 Atlanta, GA 7-Day Forecast

 景気は停滞気味??? インサイダーみたいな情報ですが、米系の魚の会社が従業員を20人も解雇したそうです。この会社120人程度の従業員がいるそうですが、20人も解雇したんですから、暇なんでしょう。


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