今日の出来事から 1月27日(火) アトランタは平和!



Pedestrians make their way through driving snow in midtown Manhattan in New York, Monday, Jan. 26, 2015. More than 35 million people along the Philadelphia-to-Boston corridor rushed to get home and settle in Monday as a fearsome storm swirled in with the potential of 1 to 3 feet of snow that could paralyze the Northeast for days.

<p>The appeal of <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/white-cabinets/46555-i-m-dreaming-of-a-white-kitchen-10-bright-beauties-to-behold/slideshows#.VMEYkWTF9Hg">all-white kitchens</a> endures, but we can expect to see an update on this class look by way of a repeating accent color. "To customize an all-white space, try throwing in some beautiful window treatments, a colorful island or stools, or a distinctive light fixture," says Carla Aston of <a href="http://carlaaston.com/">Carla Aston DESIGNED</a>.</p>白いキッチン
<p>No longer overlooked for the gleam of stainless steel or chrome finishes, brass is taking over <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/sink-consoles/2350-20-ways-to-make-a-small-bathroom-big/slideshows#.VMEXF2TF9Hg">bathrooms</a>—and kitchens and living rooms—in the form of faucets, fixtures, and accessories. "Brass is back with a vengeance," declares <a href="http://www.antoninobuzzetta.com/">Antonino Buzzetta</a>, New York City interior designer and guest speaker at this January's <a href="http://www.metroshownyc.com/">Metro Curates Show</a> on the topic of "Past to Present: Design Beyond the Boundaries."</p>こんなアクセント
<p>Au naturel is in, rattan being the go-to neutral for its subtle pattern. "Its color and texture will be big this year to create personality-packed spaces," says Sara Gilbane Sullivan, principal designer of <a href="http://www.saragilbaneinteriors.com/home/">Sara Gilbane Interiors</a> and Metro Curates Show panelist. "The ease that rattan brings to a room is <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/blue-living-room/48317-7-classic-colors-we-love-to-live-with/slideshows">timeless</a>."</p>自然なラタン(壁紙)
<p>"The use of pattern throughout a space on all surfaces is coming back," observes interior designer <a href="http://patrickmele.com/greenwich/%20">Patrick Mele</a>, who also spoke at the Metro Curates Show. To make it work, unify different <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/herringbone-floors/46755-parquet-you-say-10-stunning-wood-floor-patterns/slideshows#.VMEXqGTF9Hg">patterns</a> with a coordinating color scheme or choose one dominant motif and layer other smaller prints that complement it.</p>レイヤード
<p>Rustic tables, benches, and chairs with a modern edge to them will be popular this year, reports Sharon Radovich, principal of <a href="http://www.panacheinteriors.com/%20">Panache Interior Design</a> in Austin. "Juxtaposing organic elements like <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/barn-wood-cabinets/13311-16-ways-to-use-salvaged-wood-in-your-home/slideshows#.VMEX1mTF9Hg">wood</a> or stone with smooth metals or translucent acrylic is a clever way to add both natural and modern touches to any space," she says.</p>ラスティック・モダン
<p>In the realm of <a href="http://www.bobvila.com/u-shaped-galley-kitchen/29771-16-gorgeous-galley-kitchens/slideshows#.VMEYJWTF9Hg">kitchen</a> renovation, consider your options very open. Jason Landau, owner of <a href="http://amazingspacesllc.com/">Amazing Spaces LLC</a>, predicts a continued trend of opening up enclosed kitchens to adjacent rooms for a larger living-dining-kitchen area. "Many people will forego a traditional kitchen table and use a formal dining table in the expanded space," he says.</p>オープンキッチン

 アカデミーはアメリカンスナイパー? アメリカの一般市民を対象に行った調査では、今年のアカデミー賞で作品賞を受賞するのにふさわしいと思う映画のトップは、クリント・イーストウッド監督がイラク戦争を描いた作品「アメリカン・スナイパー」となりました。


A metro Atlanta restaurant is under investigation for several questionable online reviews. Could it be that restaurant management themselves posted the reviews on the popular social networking site Yelp?
 More than 130 million people count on Yelp reviews every month to make good business decisions. And while many of the write-ups are helpful, not all of them are dependable.
"Yelp goes to extraordinary lengths in an effort to protect consumers from fake reviews," Yelp spokesperson Rachel Walker said.
Walker told us their user operations team in San Francisco has been investigating Tin Lizzy's restaurant at 3470 George Busbee Parkway in Cobb County for a series of suspicious reviews that violate their terms of service.
"Are you surprised by this?" CBS46's Adam Murphy asked management.
"I am surprised. I had no clue about it, honestly," Tin Lizzy's manager said.
CBS46 questioned Tin Lizzy's near Kennesaw after Yelp informed us that in a single week, 13 positive reviews originated from the same IP address the business owner uses to access their Yelp business page.
"Were you aware this was happening?" Murphy asked.
"I'm not going to have any sort of comment on that, if you wanted to talk to our corporate lady, I can give you her information," Tin Lizzy's manager added.
Tin Lizzy's corporate spokesperson told us if their customers use their free Wi-Fi and write a review in the restaurant, it would originate from the same IP address as the business owner.
"We really don't take these situations lightly and we feel it is important to let consumers know when we've detected that someone might be trying to manipulate their online reputation behind the scenes," Walker said.
Yelp's next move is to post a consumer alert like this on Tin Lizzy's page for 90 days, informing consumers of their findings.
"We felt like in this case it was egregious enough that consumers really had the right to know what was going on behind the scenes before they decided if they're going to spend their money with this business," Walker said.
Yelp told CBS46 that they will post the consumer alert to Tin Lizzy's page Tuesday.
私ですか? いちいち気にしていたのでは精神的に参ってしまいます。かつては良く見ていましたが、最近は全く見ません。

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