暑さから寒さへ 2月8日(金)

Febrero Ocho(Viernes)

Slide 2 of 11: The draw of the Tampa Bay-St. Petersburg real-estate market goes beyond the warm weather.
While properties in the Tampa Bay Area still are relatively affordable, the Emerging Trends report notes that the Florida region is gaining increasing recognition as a major market.
It wins praise for:

manageable costs
demographic growth
welcoming climate for business
Slide 3 of 11: Charlotte, the most populous city in North Carolina, stands out among the Emerging Trends report’s top 10 due to:

the city’s strong real-estate and homebuilding markets
its draw for new residents
strong employment growth rates
strong development and redevelopment opportunities
Slide 4 of 11: Many people come to the Denver region for skiing, mountain climbing and other outdoor pursuits. A strong net migration contributes to a 2019 population growth in Colorado’s capital city projected to be well above the national rate.
Denver was singled out in this report for its:

strong prospects for homebuilding, and real estate development and investment
youthful population, which is expected to keep supplying workers for the local labor market
Slide 5 of 11: This historic city received high marks because of its strong jobs market in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) careers. Jobs in these fields are expected to grow 73 percent faster than the job market as a whole through 2026, the report notes. Boston also is seen at the center of such real estate trends as redevelopment and sustainability.
You don’t need a degree from Harvard to see Boston’s potential.ボストン
Slide 6 of 11: Austin, capital of the Lone Star State, also was included because of its robust STEM jobs market. “Annual wages (are] more than double the average, in these tech heavy markets,” the report points out. As job-seekers flock to that market, the city boasts population growth that’s more than three times the national rate, with a significantly higher percentage of younger residents, in the 0-to-24 and 25-to-44 age cohorts.オースティン
Slide 7 of 11: Nashville is yet another strong technology jobs market, which helps to explain its presence on this list. At the same time, the city also has been cited for an attractive cost of living. Tennessee’s capital and most populous city, Nashville continues to outperform the national average in a number of demographic and economic measures, the report notes.ナッシュビル
Slide 8 of 11: Mickey Mouse and his Walt Disney World pals aren’t the only ones who want to live in sunny Orlando. The city’s growing population, reasonable costs and business-friendly atmosphere make Orlando another good choice for investors.オーランド

Slide 9 of 11: The list singles out the strength of the science, technology, engineering and math jobs market in the Raleigh and Durham area of North Carolina. In fact, the area has been dubbed The Research Triangle as the home to three major research universities: North Carolina State University, Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.ラレイーダーハム
Slide 10 of 11: Investor demand is high in urban-industrial Brooklyn, one of New York City’s five boroughs. Investors priced out of New York’s urban core may find Brooklyn to be an appealing yet (relatively) more affordable alternative.
Slide 11 of 11: Dallas, along with neighboring Fort Worth, takes the top spot on this year’s Emerging Trends list. High activity among business startups and a young workforce are two reasons for the honor. The Bureau of Labor Statistics ranks the Dallas metro area third in the U.S. for new jobs and annual rate of job growth.
The report notes:

The chief economist for an institutional investor remarked that Dallas/Fort Worth is an interesting market, one with the potential for strong future growth but also with the liquidity of a gateway market.

What do you think about the potential for real estate investment in these top 10 cities? Do you see other places you’d recommend investing? Share with us in comments below or on our Facebook page.

It's not the usual blah, blah, blah. Click here to sign up for our free newsletter.ダラス


 五輪後の東京? 人口が1300万人から1600万人に。しかし増えたのは外国人ばかり。そんな近未来小説です。
 技能職ではなく、単純労働でも外国人がやらないと人がいないのが現実。東京はどうなるのか? 金のなる木がたくさんあるでしょうから、世界からマフィアが来て、ヤクザとしのぎを削るのでは? そして東京という街は不法滞在者にとって潜りこみやすい街ではないかと思いますよ。そのうち警察も介入できないような地区ができるのでは?

 ガイヤの夜明けでも放送された「レオパレス」、マンションの手抜き工事で責められ、430億円の累損を出しています。インタビューに応じない社長、逃げても仕方ないやろ! 手抜き工事は法令違反でした、上場企業ですからね。株価急落、今度は株主に訴えられるかも? 写真見て、賢い社長には見えなかったです。

Image result for confederateとは?Image result for confederateとは?
 Confederate Flag これがアメリカ連合国の象徴ですが、ジョージア州議会では、新しい法案で、公の場で連合国の旗などを掲揚することが禁止となります。ただし博物館などは除外されようです。まあ、法案が通ればの話ですが。

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