
Thanks for the prompt response..Can i pay you $19,200 for it? I'll be happy if you can accept my offer and am ready to buy it now for birthday gift for brother in-law and i am at sea at the moment as i am a marine engineer and due to the nature of my work, phone calls making and visiting of website are restricted but i squeezed out time to check this advert and send you an email regarding it. I really want the car to be a surprise for brother in-law so i wont let him know anything about the car until it gets delivered to him, i am sure he will be more than happy with the car. I insisted on paypal because i don't have access to my bank account online as i don't have internet banking, but i can pay from my paypal account, as i have my bank a/c attached to it, i will need you to give me your paypal email address and the price so i can make the payments asap for the car and pls if you don't have paypal account yet, it is very easy to set up, go to www.paypal.com and get it set up, after you have set it up i will only need the e-mail address you use for registration with paypal so as to put the money through. I have a pick up agent that will come and pick the car up after i have made the payments...

I was just about to make the payment when i had this little problem with the picking up,I got an email from my agent..i taught i included that in my previous email.he said he won't come and pick up the vehicle unless i pay him the agent commission fee first in order to be able to schedule a pick up time ,and my pick up agent head quarters is in the United Kingdom and all commission payments made for pick up, from anywhere in the world is sent to their head quarters in the United Kingdom and the only form of payments they accept is western union money transfer and i tried to pay online but i will need a credit card which i didn't bring along, and there is no post office(there is usually a western union section in most post offices) or any western union agent offshore! so i have to ask you to help me with the pick up fees, i will include the $2,000 they charged to pick it up and take it my home(1st class treatment), to the payments i will send through paypal after i have made the payments, i will need you to help me send the $2,000 to my pick up agent through western union money transfer, the western union money transfer can be made at a post office near to you,there is always a western union agent in most post offices or online at www.westernunion..com .I will be making the payments shortly and will email you as soon as it has been done

I just want to Inform you that I have successfully made the Payment and I have been notified for Fund Deduction..... I transferred $21,400 in all, I have decided to add the amount of $2,200 , So you can now wire the sum of $2,000 to my Agent's Headquarters in the United Kingdom via Western Union where they confirm all Commission Payment schedule for suitable Pick Up Date and Time immediately.

As said earlier in my previous email,the Western Union Transfer can be done at any Western Uniont Office and can also be done via the Internet(www.westernunion.com)

.I added Extra $200 to cover the Western Union Charges which shouldn't be more that $100-150 but just to be sure I added $200.

Here is my Transport Agent Headquarter Info needed to get the money sent through Western Union Money Transfer:

Paul Daniel

70-78 Dudley Road,

Manchester,M16 8DE,

Lancashire.United Kingdom.

Note:PayPal won't release the funds until they get the western union information from you due to the fact that i emailed them about the excess payment i made.Please kindly email the necessary details to PayPal :the MTCN# which you will be given at the western union after the $2,000

has been sent as well as the sender's name and address used to send the money through western union so they can take necessary steps.

Await your response



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